At Rashtriya Sewa Bharti, we deeply appreciate your support through donations and contributions. We understand that there may be circumstances where a refund is necessary, and this Refund Policy outlines the terms and conditions for refunds.
1. Donations
- All donations made to Rashtriya Sewa Bharti are non-refundable, except in cases of technical error (e.g., duplicate transactions).
- If you believe that a donation was made in error or if you encounter any technical issues, please contact us at [Insert Contact Information] within 7 days of the donation date for resolution.
2. Events and Registrations
- If you have registered for an event organized by Rashtriya Sewa Bharti and are unable to attend, we may offer a refund depending on the specific event terms. Please refer to the event-specific terms and conditions.
- To request a refund for event registration, contact us at [Insert Contact Information] no later than 14 days before the event start date.
3. Payment Processing Fees
Please note that any applicable payment processing fees (if charged by the payment gateway) may be non-refundable, and the refunded amount may exclude such fees.
4. Refund Request Process
To initiate a refund request, please provide the following details:
- Name
- Date of transaction
- Amount
- Reason for the refund
Submit your request to:
- Email:
5. Refund Timeline
Approved refunds will be processed within 14 business days of receiving the refund request. The amount will be refunded to the original payment method used during the donation or registration.
6. Contact Us
For any questions or concerns regarding refunds, please contact us:
- Email: